Monday, July 28, 2014

Guns blazing

So, according to Ian, I’m expected to come in and post something spectacular. This is it, folks. This is all I have. I feel awful about it, but my creativity and my gumption have both been nil of late. Blame the medication, or the underlying condition for which I take it, but the result is the same.  I just don’t have the words in me.

So I’m sitting here, willing words to happen, and this is what I am finding. I finding that I may just not be a writer anymore.



  1. Hah! New assignment: Write "I am a writer" 125 times (or until you get bored and start to write something else instead). Anyway, 500 words, go :)

  2. I liked that book by Natalie Goldberg too. :)

  3. Hey, just remember, we're not the wellspring: we're just the tube through which it passes, and it's a syphon -- sometimes you have to suck a lot in order to get it flowing.
