Wednesday, July 23, 2014

New World Government

This line is secure.

/Rerouting seg.0001-63862

It is now.


What's the news?

New SOTU Wednesday. Addressing UE holdouts.

Got to be careful.

Says you and every member of my staff every damn second of every-

I mean with the Appatai (sp?)

Yes, it's Appatai.


Rock and a hard place. It's a god damn tightrope. One misstep and either we have global rioting or else...

Annihilation? Subjugation?

We don't know. Their language is difficult to understand, and we think they like it that way. Definitely not good, whatever it is.

That's terrifying.

And not a breath of it in public.

Understood Madam President.

Oh drop it Frank.

Sorry. Military.

Speaking of, hold off on deploying 036. We may need our boys and girls at home.

That bad?

The Appatai are growing impatient. We have to give up more production.

You got all that but you can't distinguish between "Kill" and "Enslave"?

Some expressions are universal.

I see. Are you expecting more insurgents in the South?

Yes. This time we can't be soft.

How not soft are we talking?

It's going to be ugly.

Start making examples?

Frank, I need you to start wiping them out.


I'm serious, Frank, I need you on this. Until we can get things more settled down with the Appatai, we can't handle more insurgents.

You're not afraid of making martyrs?

I don't think it will matter with all the new tech.

You're serious?

I don't like it any more than you do. But we need more time. We can't win an attack right now. Our only advantage is home turf, and even that's not much. We have to hope and pray they aren't as competent as they think they are. I can't say anything else over this channel. Will have to meet with you in person. But trust me.

All right, but Germany's not going to be happy.

And if they initiate a new offensive the Appatai will put them down like they did the Chinese.

We're the bad guys here.

That may be the only reason our grandchildren will ever know about us.

Acknowledged. 036 is in prep and standby.

God forgive us.


/United Earth Communication
/Transmission Terminated

That's all of the message. This information comes at a steep price. I pray my country's contributions will be remembered in the new world.


  1. Are we doing the 'only positive validation here?' Or should i be pointing out grammatical errors / clankers? :)

  2. Criticism's great. In fact, I wouldn't have posted this particular one if I wasn't open to criticism. I knew I was phoning it in when I wrote it. :-p Just keep it constructive, and I encourage criticism. :-)

  3. The specific phrase I was looking at was "We can't win an attack right now." It's unclear as to whether you're talking about defending against attack ('We can't stave off an attack') or attacking someone ('We can't drive home an attack') and it's a clunky phrasing for either case.

    With love and respect :)

  4. Oh yeah, you're totally right. Thanks for the pointer. I didn't really edit it at all, but I may have missed that.
